More Surgery

More Surgery

On Monday November 17th, 2014 I will be having more surgery following my treatment for cancer.

I am scheduled to have carpal tunnel surgery on my left hand. The pills I am on to keep the cancer from growing have caused tendonitis, and this has put pressure on a major nerve in my arm. I hope to receive feeling back in my fingers and that the pain that shoots up my forearm will be gone. If Monday’s surgery is a success, I will likely have the same surgery on my right hand at a later date. The nerve is also impinged in my right hand, but not as urgent as the left hand. The muscle below my left thumb looks like it is starting to atrophy, so the surgery is deemed urgent. I want this surgery to go well so that I can move on with my life.

The last month or so I have felt very overwhelmed. I am behind in things that are important to me and behind in emails to people who are important to me. Ministry deadlines have taken all of my strength and focus. On top of this, I have been very tired. It is hard to force myself to rest, but the last couple of weekends I spent a lot of time in bed and I think I am now caught up to push ahead again.

I pray that God helps me accomplish the tasks before me and that Monday’s surgery will go well.


6 thoughts on “More Surgery

  1. My prayers are with you Cheryl, more so today than others. I pray for your strength to continue to make a comeback and for quick healing from today’s surgery.

  2. If we could, each of your Brothers and Sisters would pick you up and carry a bit of the load that you and Richard are bearing. But since we can’t do that, then I would hope that each of us would simply sit with both of you in prayer without saying a word and suffer with you in silence. That was the best thing Job’s friends did.

    You both struggle under such a hard load and no words of advice or exhortation seem adequate. I will lift both you and Richard up using Psalms 13 and 91.

  3. Your cousin, Jim, and I are praying here in Kansas City. We are standing with you in prayer. Read the following in our devotions this morning: “There are two ways to make a burden lighter. The first is to remove the burden. The second is to increase strength so that lifting it is not as difficult. The grace spoken of in 2 Corinthians 12:9 is the strengthening of our spiritual reserves, building our soul’s muscles so we can take the next step and the next step. The grace is always in operation but works best in weakness.” We’re praying the surgery is successful. May you know the fullness of God’s peace and love.

  4. Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement! Your words were all very precious to me. Darlene, the words you read from your devotions seem so appropriate for this time. I really needed that strength as my operation had a painful complication. I have always seen myself as a weakling in the face of pain, but God stood with me yesterday. I have posted the aftermath of the surgical complication here

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