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Category: Links to my other blogs

Link to The Giving blog

Link to The Giving blog

Link to The Giving - A Balanced View of the Sovereignty of God

Link to my “The Giving” blog

Here is a link to my other blog called The Giving – A balanced view of the Sovereignty of God. This blog deals with the issue of the Sovereignty of God and why I am not a Calvinist. It deals with John 6 and the text that seem to teach that Jesus only died for some. It is some of the things that we are working on for our new DVD called The Giving. It is the giving of the Son by the Father to us and the giving of the Son for the payment of our sin. Lots of interesting and indepth material on this blog.

Link to: Women in Ministry blog

Link to: Women in Ministry blog

Women in Ministry link

Link to my Women in Ministry blog

I have a couple of other blogs where I post articles. I am posting links here, just in case anyone is interested in the articles that I have written. The link to my Women in Ministry blog (WIM) is here. This blog is for dialog on the issue of Women in Ministry in the Church. Does God gift women to teach the truth of the gospel to the Church? Or does God restrict the use of womens gifts for the common good? There are many years of articles on this blog.

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