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Month: December 2016

Sometimes Love Hurts

Sometimes Love Hurts


Sometimes Love Hurts by Cheryl Schatz

Sometimes Love Hurts

Have you ever experienced the pain brought about by love? This past week I was reminded that love sometimes hurts.

Time for my husband’s treatment

On Monday Richard’s doctor let us know that Richard’s cancer has grown and expanded into his blood system. Richard’s platelets and red blood cells are down, and this is a sure sign that the lymphoma in his bone marrow is starting to take over. It is time to knock the cancer back. He will start chemotherapy at the beginning of January 2017. It is one thing for me to have personally walked the pathway of harsh cancer treatments, but it isn’t as easy for me to see someone I love start this process. I love Richard with all of my heart. I do not want to see him harmed and living without him would be unfathomable.

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