Complication in my carpal tunnel surgery

Complication in my carpal tunnel surgery

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who prayed for my carpal tunnel surgery. I made it without general anaesthesia and without fainting even though there was a major complication in the midst of my surgery.


My Surgeon had my hand opened up for the carpal tunnel surgery, and he had the instrument inserted that spread the incision wide open. He started to cut into the ligament, and I felt a lot of pain. It turns out that I was born with a rare condition that makes me more “highly evolved” than others. At least that is how my husband describes it. I have one extra muscle in my hand than most everyone else. This unexpected muscle has a separate nerve so when the muscles were frozen with anaesthetic; the unexpected muscle and nerve were wide open to cause pain. It is truly amazing that I was able to endure the operation while the surgeon pulled out his equipment and then gave me three additional pokes to freeze the painful area. After that everything went well and I am so blessed that my operation was done by a wonderful plastic surgeon who knew how to fix the problem. He also put in dissolvable stitches so that I will be spared the painful removal of stitches.

Last night I had a lot of pain and I used all of my allotted pain medication. Today I am resting and moving my fingers as much as I can so that I retain mobility. I have more surgery scheduled for my right hand to relieve swollen tendons that are also pressing on the median nerve. If I don’t heal fast enough from yesterday’s surgery, I may have to reschedule the next hand until after Christmas. However, my surgeon is encouraging me to get the work done as soon as possible. The concern is fpr my right hand so that it does not lose nerve function. I am hoping that once all the surgeries are complete,  I can have some freedom to live normally again without pain.

8 thoughts on “Complication in my carpal tunnel surgery

  1. Cheryl, if your doctor didn’t recommend a B-6 supplement (which nerves need for function and healing), it’s a safe thing to take in moderation. I know surgeons who recommend it to help avoid surgery and to help healing post surgery. Here’s some info to get you started if you’re interested and feel that it may be helpful to you. And I am praying for you, my dear friend.

  2. Wow… amazing stories along the adventure of life. You’ve seen it all Cheryl and you’re coming through with extreme grace and tenacity. Glad you’re hand is being repaired… you’ve still got some work for those hands to do:-) prayers going up

  3. Wow you really are going through the fire but standing strong throughout. Reminds me of Job, a righteous man who suffered. Seems his suffering was actually related to him being righteous and that God knew He could trust Job to be steadfast throughout and in spite of the trials. You are amazing Cheryl – God must really be able to trust you to allow all these difficulties. We will be praying for you and also for Richard as he supports you. Remember we have a powerful and loving God whose arms will always hold you.

  4. Thanks for the link Cindy. I did find vitamin B-6 was recommended although my surgeon did not mention it. I aded it to my vitamins and supplements as it can’t hurt in moderation.

  5. God has been good to me blumzadeline! I may need to go through much more pain before I am through, but I am trusting that He will carry me through. I really appreciate those who stand with me in prayer! Praying for you too in your own struggles that you will be a survivor now and in the end.

  6. Thanks Hannah for your comment! I don’t always feel brave and in the issue of pain and needles I am a “put me out and don’t let me see the needle” person, but through all the pain that I have been through God has strengthened me to endure more. It is quite amazing how that happens.

  7. Karen, thank you so much for your kind comments! I know what it is like to wonder why one person has to experience so much suffering. Surely there has to be an end, yet the end hasn’t happened yet. I do believe that when we see Him, He will instruct us on all the reasons for why He allowed us to go through these trials. I do not believe that we will object in that day so we will see the beautiful plan that He knit together in our lives. The struggle is always to take our minds off of our present pain and trials and look to the future that we are being prepared for. You are also a good example of God’s refining fire in the midst of pain and disease. Our lives are a book that others will read when we are gone. I trust that our children and our grandkids and many, many others will be encouraged to press on in Jesus because of what we went through and the way we have been strengthened to endure without giving up. You too, my friend, have been a Job, and I trust that He will see you through every event that is to come. Praying for your deliverance from all of your struggles.

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