My last chemo coming up

My last chemo coming up

My last chemo is this Thursday, January 16th, 2014. The tradition is that when you finish your last chemo, you get to ring the bell. I will be ringing the bell for good, God-willing.

My surgery is tentatively scheduled for February 11th. It will be a mastectomy. I am looking forward to getting back to normal!

4 thoughts on “My last chemo coming up

  1. Hi Cheryl … we will be in prayer for you all day tomorrow, Jan 16. U r a brave lady … and we know God is very special to you … as is his healing touch.
    blessings, gregg and lynn

  2. It’s 4 minutes after midnight Jan 16th here in AB, and you are still on the 15th in BC. I want to be the first one to wish you God’s blessings on your last treatment today, and ring the bell LOUDLY!!! Congratulation on crossing this milestone while keeping your joy of life, your sense of humour, and your faith in the One that has sustained you. We will continue to pray for you.

  3. Thank you Ingrid! I will be thinking of you as I ring that bell. I am right now experiencing the effects of the steroids I call my “no sleep” pills. Three days of no sleep to keep me free from a reaction is worth it, but then I will crash. Hopefully I bounce back quickly as I have year end accounting to do before I go for surgery.

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