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Category: Chemo hair

Growing after post cancer treatment

Growing after post cancer treatment

It has been a long while since I updated my “On the Path” blog. I have been SO busy, it has been difficult to make the time to post something. But it is time to post an update about where I am after cancer treatment. This post will have some updated pictures.

Where I am “growing” stronger after post cancer treatment

  1. My hands are healing after carpal tunnel surgery. I am taking liquid glucosamine twice a day (double the dose) and that helps a lot with the residual pain from the anti-estrogen medication. My right hand isn’t fully back to normal, but it is doing much better.  I still need more strength, and I am still tender, but I am getting closer to being pain-free. My left hand (which was operated on first) is not doing as well. My left hand is much weaker, and I still have daily discomfort/mild pain in the left wrist and up my arm. It is so much better taking the liquid glucosamine and if I forget a dose, I have a lot more pain. I am trusting that in another six months I will be pain-free.
  2. The arthritis-like symptoms in my legs are so much better, and I no longer feel like I am 80 years old! I am growing stronger and growing younger after the effects of chemo and the on-going anti-cancer medication. Praise the Lord!
  3. I have grown strong enough to handle full-time ministry work again! I am so happy to be back into video editing and writing scripts. This is what I was called to do.

Where I am “growing” younger

My hair is finally going back to “nearly” normal.

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Evolving hair – brought to you by chemotherapy

Evolving hair – brought to you by chemotherapy

Chemotherapy hair regrowth

By request I am posting a history of my hair from the effects of chemotherapy. I decided not to post the original bald head because that was not a memory I would like to keep.

First hair growth is grey

I was so surprised that my first hair growth came in grey! I was so happy to have hair, but the grey was really hard to get used to. Don’t be shocked at the picture.

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Going with the new flow

Going with the new flow

Going with the Flow - On the Path blog by Cheryl Schatz

My new life flow

Yesterday was a banner day for me as I looked forward to two events that were important to me. The first event was getting the results of my bone scan, which I will share in just a moment. The last event of the day was far less important but something that I had been looking forward to for a whole year. It was a wonderful experience to get my chemo curls removed. I went from a mass of curls to a real hair style for the first time in more than a year. During the past twelve months, I was completely bald for at least six months, so it was wonderful just to have hair again. But lately I found myself looking more like a woolly lamb as my longer hair was threatening to turn into ringlets. I am so thankful for my friend Shauna, who took the time to cut and shape my post chemo hair.  My husband said that the cut was “terrific.” That is a first for me in such a long time. Thanks Shaun

The first event that happened to me yesterday was something that I had been eagerly awaiting. In February of 2014, I had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer from a bone scan that showed the cancer had spread to my spine. My internist said that it had been verified by two tests so it was sure, however, my surgeon took issue with this diagnosis saying that it could be something other than cancer.


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Chemo curls

Chemo curls

Chemo curls

If has been awhile since I posted. I have been so busy, it is hard to take time off from my to-do list to write. How have I been? Well, I have been getting better each day although I still struggle with my chemo legs. I have a lot of stiffness in my legs, and I still don’t have my strength back. But I am working on it.

What is new is my hair! It is growing very, very slowly but as it is growing out it definitely has chemo curls! The picture above is not me, but it illustrates how chemo curls come in. My hair is not as long as the picture, and I am not brave enough to show my own hair online, but it is similar as it is wavy, unruly and has a serious cow-lick in the back. But…

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