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Category: Humor

Women in Ministry humor break

Women in Ministry humor break

potty-talk on Women in Ministry by Cheryl Schatz

It has been awhile since my Women in Ministry blog has taken a humor break. This one is going to test whether men and women can share a common sense of humor about the blessings of motherhood – i.e. mothering a talkative three year old.

So are you ready to test your funny bone?  Click here to watch Potty Break a 4-minute clip about a Christian mother’s real life experience. This animated true story had me in stitches. It so much reminded me of my oldest son who was the talkative one in my family. Here is the description: 

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Southwestern Seminary asserts policy of male headship

Southwestern Seminary asserts policy of male headship

paige-patterson on Women in Ministry blog by Cheryl Schatz

Southwestern Seminary and their policy of male headship

The Associated Baptist Press reports that Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary adopted a policy statement October 21, 2009, that asserts that men and women are equal before God but created for specific roles of either headship (authority) or submission in both the home and in the church.

Paige Patterson, the president of Southwestern, was among those who drafted the Danvers Statement in 1987.
He will use the new policy to serve as a guide in both the hiring and evaluation processes according to the ABP report.  His wife Dorothy is a professor of theology in women’s studies at Southwestern which offers a bachelor’s degree with the focus 
on homemaking.  Southwestern has made a complete dive into the female submission program by showing the difference between male and female Biblical studies.  The B.A. in humanities revolves around 20% of the instruction hours in homemaking with a fully equipped teaching kitchen, clothing, and textiles lab, formal dining room, and parlor along with Bible teaching in the classrooms.  Will there be a male version of the B.A. in humanities?  There has not been any announcement yet of hunting classes for the men, but since Patterson is an avid hunter, we expect that announcement will come sooner than later to help teach young males true “male headship.”

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Profound thoughts from Isaac

Profound thoughts from Isaac

misty-isaac on Women in Ministry blog by Cheryl Schatz

While this blog is mostly always about the issue of women in ministry, today I digress so that I can pass on some of the cute sayings of my four year old grandson Isaac.  Above is Isaac and his mom Misty (my daughter).  From Misty’s “Funny things my kids have said to me” file:

1.  Just this morning Isaac called out to me from the bathroom…”MOOOMMY!  YOU GAVE ME TOO MUCH CARROTS!!!”

2.  Isaac spent a lot of time yesterday “baking” floam cookies for the company we were having later that evening.  (Floam is like playdoh but it doesn’t dry out).  While he was baking he says, “Mom?  God is giving me PASSION to do this!!!”  (Isaac takes after his Grandma in the passion department!)

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The difference between male and female

The difference between male and female


This is a quickie post because I couldn’t resist allowing my four year old grandson Isaac to teach us all some of the basics.  Ready?  Here goes:

Trying to figure out what boys and girls are…he says, “Mom, if boys are MALE, then girls are EMAIL, right?”

So why do we have to go to the complicated complementarian rule book?  Let’s just learn from nature and ask a four year old!

If you have some cute kid’s sayings about male and female, just post it here and let all of us enjoy it!

Oh and by the way, you might want to know what a four year old hockey fan calls not wearing clothes?  Ready for this one regarding Adam in the buff?  It is a good one!  Answer:  PUCK naked.  (For those of you who don’t get these four year old sayings, just think about how a small hockey fan would interpret “BUCK naked”.

The all new 1 Corinthians 14:34, 35 Church

The all new 1 Corinthians 14:34, 35 Church


I don’t do “humor” too much on this blog, although I love humor and I love to laugh.  The issue of women in ministry is normally a serious one but I couldn’t resist this funny cover that comes from my friend Pastor Jon Zens.  Pastor Jon’s web site is here and he has written a good article on 1 Timothy 2:11-15 here called Are the sister free to function? There is also an answer to whether a woman is to be silent in the church here called A discussion on silent women.  Pastor Jon has been very support of the function of women in the church using their God-given gifts.  He has been a personal encouragement to me and he recommends my DVD set to many people.

Jon also has a new video clip on the front page of his web site revealing his views that the church should not have a clergy class but that elders and pastors are a part of the body of Christ and not a special “class” of believers.

The feminization of the church – a modern day fix

The feminization of the church – a modern day fix


There has been much talk in the last few years about the “feminization” of the church.  Books have been written about this “serious” problem and many men are thoroughly disgusted with seeing men outnumbered by women in the church.  These men feel that something drastic must be done to bring men back into the church.  I think that it is time we give this issue a “serious” look in order to help those men who have stopped going to church because of the “feminization of the church”.

Before we look at a solution, let’s have a look at the problem as identified by men:

1.  Men don’t like singing love songs to Jesus.  Jesus is my savior, they say, not the “lover of my soul”.

2.  Men do not like to see flowers and tissue boxes at the front of the church nor do they enjoy sitting on pink cushioned pews.

3.  Men need to separate from women to assert their masculinity.  Men don’t want to be around a place where there are a lot of women.  In the book “The Church Impotent the Feminization of Christianity“, Leon Podles writes about men’s need to separate from women.  David Wayne reviews the book by writing:

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