Judas the Betrayer and the death of Jesus
Judas the Betrayer part 2 of “The Giving”
We have just released part 2 of our video project on the Sovereignty of God. And we have released this part of the project for free! Why? Because I felt that the message was so important that I didn’t want any hindrance I wanted to get as wide a viewing as possible.
View The Giving: Part 2 Judas the Betrayer a balanced view of the Sovereignty of God here.
This post will also be a place where discussion can happen on the video subject of Judas and the death of Jesus.
About Judas the Betrayer
Judas the Betrayer is part 2 of The Giving (a multi video project). The movie Judas the Betrayer is a refutation of the Calvinist or Reformed doctrine of Limited Atonement. This video answers the problem of Judas. There are many video clips of Calvinists in this movie and some of the information given may surprise you. Pastor John MacArthur a well-known Calvinist reveals that the subject of Judas is not one that is taught in sermons or in apologetic conferences. But the subject of Judas is very important for us to understand the extent of the atonement. The words of Jesus about Judas are very important and they must not be ignored. What Jesus said about Judas, and the importance of His own death for the sin of the world is handled clearly and biblically in this video. Anyone can learn from this video, but the audience that we are aiming for are those who have been influenced by Calvinism. This movie is eye opening and at time shocking. There are also some graphic depictions of the death of Jesus.
How can you help?
You can donate to help us to continue to make these videos free for all. Your donation is not tax deductible, but it will help us pay the bills. You can also pass on the link to others so that this gets a wide distribution.