Comment Policy
As Christians we believe in unity through truth on the essentials of the Gospel, and the grace to allow for differences of personal conviction on non-essentials. Salvation in Jesus alone, by faith alone, and love for others are all essentials; issues such as gender (hierarchy), eternal security, predestination, Bible versions, etc. are non-essentials. It is loving to speak the truth and spread the Gospel to the lost, but not loving to divide over secondary matters, nor to harass those who disagree.
While I work hard to keep a respectful atmosphere on this blog I will not take a position of policing everything that everyone writes here. I request that posters respect my position that we stay focused on the issues and not attack individuals. Those who post here are responsible for their own comments. The blog owner and the blog administrators will not be responsible for comments by posters. I just ask everyone to remember that there is only one Lord Jesus Christ that we all serve and if we really love Jesus we will love and respect each other even if we disagree on the non-essentials.
We choose not to be identified with those who mock the body of Christ and attack fellow Christians in the name of a non-essential issue of faith. If you are willing to be respectful and you name the name of Christ, you are welcome to dialog with us whether you agree with our position or not. While the posts here will take a non-Calvinist view of the Sovereignty of God, we warmly welcome all sides to participate and comment.
Cheryl Schatz
MM Outreach
Note regarding comment policy
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Standard Comment Policy by 8BIT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
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