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Category: Women’s roles

Women in Ministry Silenced or Set Free? Now on VIMEO

Women in Ministry Silenced or Set Free? Now on VIMEO

Women in Ministry Silenced or Set Free? on WIM blog by Cheryl Schatz

Women in Ministry Silenced or Set Free? is now on VIMEO!

My DVD set Women in Ministry Silenced or Set Free? has been a great help to so many people. It is now available online at VIMEO here.

For anyone wanting to buy the higher quality 4 DVD set, it is available by clicking the buy button.

The information and the links

The entire video set can be watched on Vimeo, or individual videos can be rented. Link is here.

Video 1: Introduction, Genesis 1-3 The Designer Knows Best.

Video 2: 1 Corinthians 11: Head Coverings and Authority.

Video 3: 1 Timothy 2: Deception & The First Created.

Video 4: 1 Corinthians 14: The Elusive Law; 1 Timothy 3: Follow the Leader; Galatians 3:28: Equal to Serve; Challenge and Credits.

Cost is $24.99 plus shipping for the DVD.

Putting women in their place

Putting women in their place

The woman's place, from Women in Ministry by Cheryl Schatz

Putting women in their place

The November 17, 2009 CBMW blog post by John Starke that we started to evaluate last post, is an amazing “piece of work” that exalts the 17th century writings of a Puritan named Richard Baxter who attempts to put women in their place.  Starke continues to summarize Baxter’s writings:

2. Discontentment. There is something about the sinful heart that is always wanting something other than the place in which God has placed him or her. When something other than God is the desire of the heart, it begins to desire more than the portion granted. The sinful cravings of the heart are deceitful and can justify sin or can explain away divine instruction. Baxter’s appeal to wives is to find your contentment and treasure in Christ and you will recognize the joy in resting in his purposes. (emphasis is mine).

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