Julie Pennington-Russell talks about the Georgia State Convention

Julie Pennington-Russell talks about the Georgia State Convention

Julie Pennington-Russell

Thanks to one of the followers of my blog, I received a link to some excellent clips about Julie Pennington-Russell’s talks about the Georgian State Convention and issue of the church being kicked out of the GBC.  The clips were recorded before the official word came announcing the removal of her church from the association.julie_pennington-russell
The Pastor of First Baptist Church, Decatur, Georgia, talks about the moment she found out that her church was kicked out of the Georgia State Convention, and her face-to-face talk with the executive of the convention.  There are several more clips available on the right side bar.


2 thoughts on “Julie Pennington-Russell talks about the Georgia State Convention

  1. “She said the denominations are dying and maybe they need to.”

    There are now thousands of denominations
    according to wikipedia.

    All started by “Leaders” who thought they had a better idea.
    Does that sound like a “tradition of men” that Jesus warned about?

    Most still look a lot like Rome.

    Jesus warned us about making “the word of God”
    of non effect through our traditions; Yes?
    Mk 7:14

    What if “The Whole Religious system,”
    for the past 1700 years,
    has been/is totally corrupt?

    Corrupt – Dictionary

    1- having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly
    in return for money or personal gain.

    2- in a state of decay; rotten or putrid.

    3- debased or made unreliable by errors or alterations.

    Don’t condemn the messenger just yet.

    Why was there a reformation?
    Rome was/is corrupt according to scripture. Yes?
    People wanted to serve and worship Jesus in truth. Yes?
    Any Popes as the head of “The Church of God”
    in the Bible?

    Why were there Pilgrims and the Puritans
    coming to the USA?
    Church of England was/is corrupt
    according to scripture. Yes?

    People wanted to serve and worship Jesus in truth. Yes?
    Any Monarchs as the head of “The Church of God”
    in the Bible?

    And every denomination since, tries to tweek
    Romes version of doing religion.

    Alway rules and regulations to follow,
    NOT?found in the Bible.

    Always hierarchy and Titles
    NOT?found in the Bible.

    Were there any congregations in the Bible “led’ by a “pastor?”

    Did anyone, male or female, have the “Title” pastor?

    Was anyone even called pastor?

    Christiandumb… Hmmm???

    Oh, you can change a few “titles,”
    pastors intead of priests,
    suits and ties instead of collars and robes,
    Presidents instead of Popes,
    but basically every denomination is still Rome.
    still, “Tradition of men.”

    Was “the Reformation” a dangerous detour,
    another tradition, leading people away from Jesus.
    “Jesus being the “head” of the body, the Church,”
    and “those led by the Spirit, those are the sons of God?”
    Is Religion the system, and NOT?the relationship?

    Did Jesus reform “the Jewish Religious Sytem”
    He etablished?

    Or did He leave it?

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