Trinity DVD update

Trinity DVD update

For those of you who are interested, we have finished filming our Trinity DVD and I am in the process of setting up the editing studio.  This may keep me off line for a day or two.  The editing will continue until about September when it goes for duplication.  The DVD is copyright 2008 and is called:

The Trinity eternity past to eternity future:  explaining truth, exposing error

This will be a 2 DVD set with my script as the 2nd DVD exposing the errors of the eternal functional subordination of the Son.  There are quite a few audio bytes in the DVD that should be quite surprising to many concerning what is now being taught as historic Trinitarian doctrine.

7 thoughts on “Trinity DVD update

  1. I am also looking forward to it….. You may be deluged with orders Cheryl. 🙂

  2. We expect the duplicated copies will be received by mid October.  It does take awhile to get the masters to the duplicator and back so that they disks can be packaged.  So middle of October is the expected time line for right now.

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