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About "The Trinity: Eternity Past to Eternity Future"

featuring Lorri MacGregor & Cheryl Schatz

A preview of several clips from part 2 of the 2 DVD set regarding the authority of Jesus is found on Youtube here or see the embedded player below.

The term, "The Trinity", the word used to describe the Triune God of the Bible has been with us since the earliest days of the Church. Within the nature of the one true God, we can identify three Persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The three Persons are the one God. This is a difficult concept for our finite minds, endeavoring to understand the infinite God.

Much error has arisen from earliest times, usually dealing with the dual nature of Jesus Christ. He is fully God, yet for a short period of time, fully man. Also, some describe the Holy Spirit as just an energy force. In our day, once again we find some teachers questioning the concept of the Trinity, especially concerning Jesus' authority. What is the truth?

Lorri MacGregor has three decades of experience teaching on this vital subject. She shares her journey out of a Trinity-denying religion, into her search through the Bible for the real truth about God. Using the Bible alone, you can follow with her to see the Scriptures' revealing of the Triune God.

Cheryl Schatz, an apologist and teacher, answers some of the modern criticism concerning Jesus Christ. Hear the voices of the teachers who have deviated from the faith to present Jesus as a lesser authority than the Father. Then hear Cheryl's clear response from the scriptures, setting matters straight.

2 DVDs in three parts 51, 48, 43 minutes each. Perfect for classroom viewing.

© 2008 MM Outreach Inc

To purchase "The Trinity Eternity Past to Eternity Future" in the USA click here. To purchase in Canada or Overseas click here. The DVD set is also available on here.

Watch preview clips from part 2 of "The Trinity Eternity Past to Eternity Future" below

© 2008 MM Outreach Inc



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