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Discounts (Includes all titles)

5 - 9 DVDs 10% off / 10+ DVDs 20% off. Discount does not automatically calculate online. It is only available by emailing us before ordering. Please email us with list of DVDs and we will send you out a PayPal bill with the discounted price. Email MM Outreach at mmoutreach (AT) gmail (DOT) com or click here.

The Submerging Church

This DVD is a shocking expose of the "submergent" church! Brand new DVD lets you hear the words of the "submergent" leaders as they reconstruct the church. Bonus DVD on their "prophet" - the popular singer Bono. Every pastor needs to see these DVDs to prepare the flock to withstand the tidal wave that is upon us now.

$25.00 2 DVD set (sold out)

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The Bible vs Joseph Smith

This DVD is a compelling documentary showing a dialog between a life-long Mormon and a Christian. It presents an easy to understand message that can be used for witnessing, yet a profound message that will touch Mormons.


The Trinity Eternity Past to Eternity Future

Lorri MacGregor and Cheryl Schatz present this critical Bible teaching including answering the Biblical arguments against the full Deity of Jesus Christ that some are bringing into the church with a type of eternal subordination of the Son. Lorri also shares her story of how she came out of a Trinity-denying religion into a search for the truth about God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Read more

MM Outreach Inc © 2008 2 DVD set with 3 teaching segments $25.00

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A Question of Origins

During the past century, much of the world has accepted the theory of evolution as fact Yet recent discoveries from nearly every field of science dispute the molecules-to-man theory. A Question of Origins takes an inspiring journey through science and Scripture in search of mankind's genesis. 61 min.

$20.00 includes 8 languages and The Good Test video included

Wide is the Gate: The Emerging New Christianity

Five topics approx 40 min. each. 1. The Counterfeit Church 2. Biblical Christianity 3. Christianized New-Age Spirituality. 4. The Evolving Old New Age 5. New Age Christianized Mysticism.

Well researched and nearly 4 hours on the New Age infestation of the Church.


Joe Average

An entertaining DVD documenting the underlying root of Atheism. Joe is a typical atheist. He doesn't think much about the incredible creation that surrounds him, let alone the unspeakably incredible Creator who created him. Even though God gave him life, if you asked Joe if God had ever done anything for him, he probably couldn't think of one thing. Each sunrise just reveals a typical day for Joe Average. Well...not quite. There is nothing "average" about Joe or what he does each day. You will be delighted and encouraged by "Joe Average," because he will make you see everything in a miraculous new light. A good witnessing tool for the unsaved.


Word Faith Is it the Word or the Faith of the Bible?

The Word Faith Movement is powerful and influential with numerous affiliated churchs worldwide. Compelling, charismatic leaders preach their peculiar doctrines to enthusiastic and accepting global audiences who view Word Faith as just another denomination within Christianity, but are they?

Read more

MM Outreach Inc © 2009 $20.00

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Faulty Fads in the Church

The Church is struggling today with serious infections. These infections take the form of various fads. While outwardly professing belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Church is riddled with faulty fads weakening almost every part of her Biblical foundations. Read more

MM Outreach 2006 DVD $20.00

Faulty Fads in the Church
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Jehovah's Witnesses and the Real Jesus

This is a fast-paced visual presentation of Lorri MacGregor's popular teaching about the Jesus of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Click to read more.

DVD $20.00

Jehovah's Witnesses and the Real Jesus

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Women in Ministry Silenced or Set Free?

Does God have a law that silences women in the church? This presentation will deal with each of the hard passages of scripture on the women's issue in order to help us understand God's intended meaning.

"Women in Ministry Silenced or Set Free?" is a 4 DVD set covering 7 sections suitable for bible study groups or personal study. Click to read more.

4 DVD package $35.00 includes 3.5 hours of teaching.

Women in Ministry Silenced or Set Free

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Called to Be Free

This is one of the most refreshing Christian videos we have ever seen. An excellent witnessing tool for all those who have friends caught up in a cult group or for those who have escaped but never come free in Christian fellowship.

DVD  $20.00

Called to Be Free

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Jesus Christ/Joseph Smith

This DVD takes a firm, detailed look at the teachings of Joseph smith, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Using historical LDS church documentation this video compares Joseph's message with the biblical message of Jesus' teachings. Was Joseph Smith a prophet or a deceiver? You be the judge as you watch this informative 90 minute production.

DVD  $10.00

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Lifting the Veil of Polygmany

This just released (2007) 83 minute DVD is an excellent ministry tool to deal with your Mormon LDS friends.

While it deals with the topic of polygamy in Mormon teachings that no LDS Mormon can deny, it is a compelling story that should be shown in every Christian church and can be used as an witnessing tool for JW's. Click to read more.

DVD  $20.00

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God of Wonders

This amazing, brand new DVD takes us through the creation story and the Gospel with spectacular photography, and tremendous facts about God's marvelous handiwork in creation.

Presented clearly, simply, and precisely by men of God-Dave Hunt, Roger Oakland, John Whitcomb, and others-are the wonderful attributes of God: His justice, His wisdom, His love. Join us on a remarkable journey of discovery as we explore the Creator's handiwork and what His creation reveals about His character. Survey the unimaginable size of the universe and ponder the vast energy present in all matter.

Examine the elegant water molecule essential to all life and discover how God combines these molecules to form beautiful and symmetrical snow crystals. Learn about the incredible complexity of DNA and the miraculous workings of the tiny seed. From the design functionality of birds to the incredible transformation of butterflies, these and many other features of creation are highlighted in this visually stunning presentation.

DVD  $20.00

Yoga Uncoiled from East to West

Many believe they can practice yoga postures, breathing, and focusing techniques devoid of yoga's spirituality, not realizing that yoga is an inherent part of Hindu philosophy which teaches man and nature are one with divinity.

Once viewed by Christians as a pagan import from the East, yoga has now become mainstream in the church through "Christ-centered yoga classes" designed to help improve spirituality and experience "the presence of God". But is yoga's mysticism compatible with historic Christianity?

With critical discernment, this hard-hitting and informative DVD explores the ramifications of dismissing yoga's core spirituality, and blending Biblical terminology and precepts with eastern meditative techniques and practices.

DVD  $20.00

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The Lost Book of Abraham

What a great DVD! It is like watching a good movie, but is, in fact a documentary about a little-known incident in the life of Joseph Smith that had major impact on Mormon beliefs to this day! Mormons might be surprised to learn where their doctrine on the nature of God (i.e. plural gods) came from when Joseph Smith "translated" Egyptian writings.

DVD  $20.00

Gods of the New Age

The best scientific DVD on the New Age Movement ever made. The definitive work on the New Age Movement. It explores the pagan roots of eastern mysticism, meditation, yoga, and more.

DVD  $20.00

Gods of the New Age

Dilemma Over Demons

Newest documentary on the teachings that have crept into the church including demon possession of Christians, generational curse and war in the heavenlies and other similar teachings. To preview a short clip of the new video click here.

DVD  $20.00

Dilemma over demons

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The Bible VS The Book of Mormon

This presentation puts the Bible and the Book of Mormon to the test. History, archaeology, textual criticism, and other disciplines combine to shed light on what is true...and what is false. Click to read more.

DVD  $20.00

The Bible VS the Book of Mormon

Christian Counterfeiters

Documentary video on the subject of Christian Counterfeiters, both old and new! It begins with the aberrant teachings popular in the 1800's and lingering on to this day, to the most recent crop of "prophets" and "anointed" leaders. Fast-moving and compelling. A true Bible study. Click to read more.

DVD $20.00

Chrsitian Counterfeiters

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Seventh-day Adventism: The Spirit Behind the Church - English

The SDA Church rises or falls on their founding Prophetess, Ellen G. White. Her peculiar doctrines have set the SDA Church apart from Evangelical Christianity, although they hide this. A real expose of their actual beliefs. Surprising and even shocking! 56 minutes (For Documentation Manual see the Documentation section)

DVD $20.00

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Seventh-day Adventism: The Spirit Behind the Church - Spanish

A dramatic presentation of how innocent people become ensnared by the Watchtower Society. An inside look at how the Jehovah's Witnesses recruit, brainwash and train new members. Teaches you how to witness at your door.

DVD $20.00 Spanish

The Witness at your Door

A dramatic presentation of how innocent people become ensnared by the Watchtower Society. An inside look at how the Jehovah's Witnesses recruit, brainwash and train new members. Teaches you how to witness at your door.

DVD $20.00

The Witness at Your Door

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The Witness at your Door

DVD Spanish version $20 (special order only contact us to order)

Spanish DVD

The Witness Goes Out

Sequel to The Witness at your Door. Dramatizes how to free longtime Jehovah's Witnesses. Discusses blood transfusions, 144000, shunning, etc. 45 minutes

DVD $20.00

The Witness Goes Out
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Jehovah's Witnesses, a Non-Prophet Organization

A correction of the errors in the Watchtower Society "Proclaimers" book. A true history exposing cover-ups.

DVD $20.00

Jehovah's Witnesses a non-prophet organization
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Battling over the children

Shocking evidence regarding JW child custody cases. If you are embroiled in a child custody suit, or a divorce and a JW is involved, you need to know their tactics, 'theocratic warfare' (their 'right to lie'), and their coaching methods for their witnesses, even children. We cannot stress strongly enough that this is a must for lawyers. Protect your kids! For the lawyers package see the item below. 47 minutes

DVD $20.00

Battling over the children

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Legal Pack plus Battling over the children DVD

Legal Pack plus DVD $50

Legal Pack plus DVD

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Catholicism: Crisis of Faith

Goes to the heart of the question by investigating the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church from a Biblical perspective.

DVD - $20

Catholicism: Crisis of Faith

The Godmakers

A documentary that exposes Mormonism as a pseudo-Christian religion. Reveals heartbreaking accounts of families and lives destroyed by the Mormon Church.

DVD - $20

The Godmakers

Temple of the Godmakers

An explosive documentary which takes you inside the secret Mormon ceremonies. The pagan nature of these rites and rituals, practiced by an elite few in the Mormon Church, are exposed here for the first time on film.

DVD - $20

Temple of the Godmakers

False Gods of our Time

Biblical Christianity is logically and historically contrasted with the world's leading religions and philosophies. Filmed all over the world, this dynamic 4 part series provides an intelligent foundation for a belief in the Bible. All 4 parts are on one tape.

DVD - $20

The Mormon Dilemma

A fast-paced drama that will teach you how to bring a Mormon to Christ.

DVD - $20

The Mormon Dilemma

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Messages From Heaven

A Reports of Paranormal and Supernatural activity are on the rise worldwide. A Biblical examination of the Apparitions of the Virgin mary and other supernatural activity in the end times. Tens of millions visit "apparition" sites each year. Does the word of God reveal the origin of these phenomena?

DVD - $20

Messages from Heaven

Evolution Conspiracy

Unmasks fraudulent cover-ups, wild speculations, and deceitful myths that have been presented as the absolute "facts" of evolution. Should evolutionism, the foundational faith of eastern mystical thought, be taught in schools as science, when Creationism, the foundational belief of Judeo-Christianity, has been expelled?

DVD - $20

Freemasonry: From Darkness to Light

Breaks the veil of secrecy which has shrouded the subject of Freemasonry. Deals a crushing blow to the teaching that Christianity and Freemasonry are compatible. 30 minutes

DVD - $20

Freemasonry: From Darkness to Light

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Halloween: Trick or Treat?

This highly informative DVD video traces the pagan origins and history of Halloween. The Pagan Occult calendar of Druids, Witches, Pagans and Satanists marks Halloween as one of their highest "holy days." The occult rituals seen in this video are real and not re-enactments.

DVD - $20

DNA and the book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon teaches that these Israelites are the principal ancestors of modern-day Native Americans. New discoveries in DNA research currently allow scientists to test this historical claim. Now the same DNA evidence used in courts of law can credibly speak to the validity of the Book of Mormon.

DVD $20.00

DNA and the book of Mormon










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