Going for the cure

Going for the cure

Going for the cure On the Path blog by Cheryl Schatz

In the words of my doctor, “We are going for the cure.”

What does this mean?

The four rounds of chemotherapy that I have already endured have done wonders for the visible cancer. The cancer had attached itself to my chest wall and was hard and locally spread. Not only was a lymph node involved as well as multiple tumours, the cancer had also spread to multiple local areas within the skin itself. It was a very aggressive cancer. However all of that visible sign of cancer is now gone and only some blemishes on the skin are left to show where the cancer existed. But cancer is a malicious thing that is not necessarily “gone” until there are no cancerous cells left. My doctor thinks I have a chance at a cure, and he wants to take me through a process that could give me a complete cure, but there are problems.

Problem #1

I could die from the treatment. The next set of chemo medications are very harsh and they could cause my death from many different kinds of complications. I still have high liver enzymes from the shots that were given to me to force my bones to produce white blood cells. Having high liver enzymes can raise the possibility of death significantly. In this case, death usually happens in the first 30 days of treatment. My next treatment starts November 14, 2013. My doctor told me that the treatments are a gamble and he would not give them to me unless I understand that I could die.

Problem #2

The cancer doctors want me to go through a second set of radiation treatments after the chemo is done. The first time I had radiation in the same area was 1995, and I ended up very burnt and with severe pain that I lived with for 10 years. By the 10 year mark the pain finally subsided and last year the bone pain finally left my rib. I cannot even imagine going through that pain again. Also radiating the area a second time would cause worse symptoms than the last time. It is only in recent years that doctors were even willing to experiment doing radiation a second time. Years ago it was considered something that could not be repeated.

Right now I am set to go through some very harsh treatments in the hope of a cure. If there was ever a time that I could use prayer, it is right now. I am asking the Lord Jesus to keep me safe through these treatments and to heal me completely. I am asking Him to give me many more years of service in the ministry that He has given me. If it is His will, I would like to live.

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7 thoughts on “Going for the cure

  1. I will be praying for you Cheryl and trusting the great healer to strengthen you through the process that is your cure.

  2. Dear Cheryl my heart goes out to you and you will definitely be in my prayers..as well I will submit you name to our church prayer list!..You are very brave to go through this and I know Jehovah Rapha our healer is with you. May God grant you complete healing in and by the blood of Jesus who gave himself up for us. Diane

  3. Cheryl, Blair and I will be praying for you – that none of the extreme side-effects would be experienced and especially that God keeps you safe in His hands during this frightening time. I really believe God does not intend to bring you this far in your journey to health but He intends to complete it. I also believe God wants us to choose life – and we’re going to pray and believe that is exactly what He will give you – a long and extended life – unless of course He comes back first! Love you and Richard!

  4. Hi Cheryl!>>As I had said before, my friend, you are a very strong and positive person -you have the Prayers and Thoughts of so many and of course – you have your Faith – which will keep you and guide you in these times….As a non-Christian and a non-believer..my thoughts are with you….I so much enjoyed your Blog….You and Richard were missed at the last Witnesses Now for Jesus Convention…you were prayed for..You have so many beautiful friends from the Convention that have you in their Prayers and Thoughts

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