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Category: Dark times

Sometimes Love Hurts

Sometimes Love Hurts


Sometimes Love Hurts by Cheryl Schatz

Sometimes Love Hurts

Have you ever experienced the pain brought about by love? This past week I was reminded that love sometimes hurts.

Time for my husband’s treatment

On Monday Richard’s doctor let us know that Richard’s cancer has grown and expanded into his blood system. Richard’s platelets and red blood cells are down, and this is a sure sign that the lymphoma in his bone marrow is starting to take over. It is time to knock the cancer back. He will start chemotherapy at the beginning of January 2017. It is one thing for me to have personally walked the pathway of harsh cancer treatments, but it isn’t as easy for me to see someone I love start this process. I love Richard with all of my heart. I do not want to see him harmed and living without him would be unfathomable.

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Is Cheryl Schatz still alive?

Is Cheryl Schatz still alive?

Is Cheryl Schatz still alive? On the Path blog

“Is Cheryl Schatz still alive?” some have asked. It has been far too long since I updated my On the Path blog. I am still alive, and I am still on the path, although I have suffered through a time of spiritual abuse. I am doing very well physically, and there is no sign of the return of cancer. The one spot that I had on my spine is smaller, and I am considered stable. My last chemotherapy infusion was two and a half years ago and that trial is becoming a distant memory. I still have side effects from the chemo and the anti-estrogen medication, however, I am doing very well and thankful to be alive. There still have been challenges in my life, and I needed to step back for a time to heal emotionally. Two things happened in the last year that I never expected would ever happen in my lifetime.

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On the path…but with darkness surrounding

On the path…but with darkness surrounding

Darkness On the Path blog by Cheryl Schatz


This post is a long time coming and it is my desire that it will encourage someone who is suffering in silence. It will also help people to see that the strength that has come out in my posts is a true gift of God that has grown in the midst of darkness and betrayal.

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A surprise on my CT scan

A surprise on my CT scan

On January 24th my surgeon requested that I get a CT scan. He really did not want to take out my lymph nodes so he thought that if my lymph nodes showed up as the exact same size as they were in the original CT scan last August, he could do the mastectomy and not put me through the nerve pain and possible arm swelling. So I got a CT scan that was otherwise would not have been scheduled. Today I saw my doctor for a follow up and the CT scan could be a game changer. It showed two things.

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Seeing the edges in the dark times

Seeing the edges in the dark times

Seeing the edges on Cheryl Schatz's On the Path Blog

There are times that I am seeing life by looking at the edges rather than the whole. For example, rather than concentrate on the realty of cancer, and the daily fatigue, I am grateful that today I can walk. That is a precious gift. On Monday and Tuesday of this week my legs were so weak, I was shuffling, rather than walking. The nurse at the hospital told me that with the chemo-related leg weakness, I will need to hold on to stair railings and to be extra careful not to fall. Should I fall and break a leg, my treatment would be delayed until I healed. That would be bad news. So rather than expecting complete wholeness, I can be grateful for little things, like strength in my legs and the ability to walk. But I am also learning that there are spiritual edges to pay attention to. Not the whole picture, but what is highlighted for today.

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