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Q & A session with Jay Hess: 2007 Part 1. Questions asking Jay why he left the Watchtower Society and what beliefs he held when he left the organization. Did he fully understand who Jesus is when he left the JW's? Did the Watchtower ever claim to speak in God's name and then give a false prophecy? Audio taken from Paltalk podcasts. For more information contact Mart Hale at halemart(at)gmail(dot)com

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Q & A session with Jay Hess: 2007 Part 1.

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What's in a name? Pronunciation or Reputation? Keith Walker 2006. Keith discusses the addition of the name Jehovah in the New World Translation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Is it important that we know the correct pronunciation? Keith can be reached at info(at)evidenceministries(dot)org and his web site is evidenceministries.org

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Jehovah's Women on Trial: Cheryl Schatz 2006. Documentation on the Watchtower Society's view on women as well as the view of women held in some churches. Cheryl has been in ministry to the cults since 1988 and in 2006 she wrote the script for "Women in Ministry Silenced or Set Free?" a MM Outreach DVD production. Cheryl can be reached at mmoutreach(at)gmail(dot)com.

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There are questions asked at the end of this talk and the answer to the question about two or three witnesses to the law of God is:

1. God first spoke the commandments to Israel - that is the first witness

2. God wrote the commandments on two tablets of stone - that is the second witness

3. After Moses broke the stone tablets, God wrote the commandments a second time - that is the third witness

4. Moses himself was a witness to the commandments of God that is the fourth witness.

God Never Left Me: Natalie Matina 2006. Natalie was raised a Jehovah's Witness and pioneered. The organization instilled in her an unhealthy fear of God. Reading God's word showed her his love and salvation. Natalie can be reached at gold_morning(at)yahoo.com

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It Just so Happened... Frankie & Anthony White 2006. After over 17 years as Witnesses, the Whites began to question unloving actions and politics in the organization. They prayed if not of God, tell me, and He did. Frankie & Anthony can be reached at awhite189(at)aol(dot)com

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Jesus Rescued me from JW Imprisonment: Bill Blatz 1990. Bill was in spiritual bondage to the Watchtower for 15 years. After receiving Jesus he was set free from the spiritual oppression that chained him. You can email Bill at BillStephBlatz(at)aol.com

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"In the Palm of His Hand" - Tom McGovern 2005. Tom spent 30 years in the Watchtower Society. The Lord continued to remain faithful and led him away from serving man into a personal relationship with Him. Email Tom at ragman01 (at) optonline.net

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"Who is the Real Jesus?" - Tom McGovern 2005. Tom shares insights on the Real Jesus compared to the Jesus taught by the Watchtower. The audio is not the best quality on this one but the message is very good. Email Tom at ragman01 (at) optonline.net

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No longer a Watchtower Witness: Kearny Marcelin 2005. Having insufficient knowledge of the Bible, Kearney became easy prey for the Watchtower Society. After spending over 10 years in the cult, Jesus began to draw him out. Since 2003, he is no longer a "Watchtower Witness". Kearney's email address is capecoralxjw(at)yahoo.com.

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God brought me back to Him: Gary & Deb Bowmar 2005. Gary spent 29 years trying to serve God as a JW. His wife Deb, prayed for him to know Jesus as Lord. They now praise God for His miracle of new life in Christ.

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Dialogue with a Jehovah's Witness Part 1: Walter Martin and Bill Cetnar. Dr. Martin and Mr. Cetnar present a mock dialogue on the doorstep with a Jehovah's Witness. Mr. Cetnar was a long-time Jehovah's Witness who worked at the Watchtower Headquarters. Both Bill and Joan Cetnar came free from Watchtower mind control and came to a personal knowledge of Jesus.

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Dialogue with a Jehovah's Witness Part 2: Walter Martin and Bill Cetnar.

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The Watchtower - False Prophets. Bill Cetnar. Bill Cetnar has passed away, but his classic teaching on the false prophecy of the Watchtower is timeless.

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The fruit of a false prophet. Bill Cetnar. Bill traces some of the Watchtower's fruit.


Watchtower doctrines. Bill Cetnar. Bill tackles some of the false doctrines of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Listen ListenDownloadDownload

Watchtower authority - the Watchtower answers the charges: Bill Cetnar. This is a classic Bill Cetnar tape and on this audio tape Bill reads a letter from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society answering the charges of false prophecy.


Out of the Watchtower into the Family of God: Floyd Erwin. Floyd spent 26 years serving the Watchtower. He left the organization in 1970. Floyd can be reached at erwin122(at)comcast.net


Jesus sprung the Watchtower trap: Rick and Inez Fearon 2004. Over 40 years ago the Fearons accepted the Watchtower 'truth'. Rick served as a Ministerial Servant. Through Bible reading and prayer they realized the error of the Watchtower and that Jesus was the real TRUTH!


Three for the price of one: Terry & Diane Abner & Tina Ehrhardt 2004. Terry was a believer who had turned his back on God and married an unbeliever. Due to their experiences with Jehovah's Witnesses and his wife's intervening mother, both women received Jesus as Savior.


A mere clone of yourself? Death and the Afterlife: Lorri MacGregor 2004. Lorri was gloriously saved from the bnodage of JW teaching. She and her husband Keith founded MacGregor Ministries. The Ministry work is now called MM Outreach.


The Wishy-Washy Watchtower: Keith Walker 2004. Keith and Becky are founders of Evidence Ministries, a missionary outreach to Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons. Keith can be reached at Keith(at)evidenceministries.org


From lost in the Watchtower to assurance in Christ: Cynthia Hampton 2003. Frightened by the imminence of Armageddon, Cynthia was baptized as a teenager in 1972. When the world did not end in 1975, she began to question other teachings. Jesus became her Lord, Savior and Mediator in 1982. Cynthia can be reached by email at hampton_cynthia@hotmail.com


Freedom in our worship to Christ Jesus: David and Vanda Goins 2003. David and Vanda were Jehovah's Witnesses for over 20 years. After struggling to meet the society's demand for righteousness, they left and accepted Jesus. As Christians, they met and married. David and Vanda can be reached at vmgoin2@uky.edu


From Cult Slavery to the Wilderness to Freedom in Christ: Cyrus Hodges 1997. Cyrus experienced shunning by his fellow Jehovah's Witnesses when a skin condition stopped him from shaving his beard. He found only conditional love in the kingdom hall.


Doomsday delayed: Duane Magnani 1996. Duane documents the changes in Watchtower interpretation that is opening the way for Jehovah's Witnesses to accept blood, attend college and to delay Armageddon past the generation of 1914.


Cults and their Prophets: Lorri MacGregor. This audio was done in the early 1980's but has lots of information on the Prophet figures of different cult groups.


Jesus Love Set us Free: Bill & Ruth Buelow 1998. Bill was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and Ruth was baptized at the 1950 convention.


God Answers Prayers: Gary Ferguson 1998. Gary was raised as a third generation Jehovah's Witness. As a child he felt fortunate to be "in the truth". He stopped regular attendance at meetings when he was 14 years old, but he continued to think like a JW for 12 more years until he was confronted with the real truth.


Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses. John Warren 2003. John demonstrates how Watchtower indoctrination takes place and how a person can be set free from that indoctrination


Jehovah's Witnesses and the nature of man. Peter Barnes. Peter documents the differences between the nature of man from the Watchtower's perspective and compares it to the historic view of Christianity. This is part of Peter's series in deprogramming Jehovah's Witnesses.


Bible Students and their relationship to the Watchtower. Robert C Hill 1999. Bob highlights the parallel history of the Bible Students and the reasons why some who leave the Watchtower find themselves joining the Bible Students who still follow C.T. Russell's early teachings.


Loyal to Jehovah. Testimony of Ray & Helen Descombes 1996. Ray and Helen were loyal Jehovah's Witnesses until they came face to face with disturbing differences between Watchtower doctrine and the Bible. When they wrote to the Society they did not receive any explanation of the contradictions, only instructions to re-read Watchtower literature. They could no longer in good conscience believe that Watchtower literature was equal to the Bible and they started their journey out of the Watchtower.





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